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MSS Diverging Minds is inviting you to Let’s Talk Neurodiversity!

Through excerpts of interviews with both neurodivergent individuals and advocates, our aim is to raise awareness and acceptance of the neurodivergent community. We’ll present their definitions of Neurodiversity and discuss common misconceptions associated with it, societal issues and media portrayal, among other topics.

Join us on September 9th at 6:00pm to unwind after class and learn more about Neurodivergence!

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Date: Tuesday, May 26, from 6PM to 7:30PM

Autism. ADHD. Dyspraxia. Neurodivergence gives people great abilities, but living in a world where you are different comes with challenges.

McGill’s IFMSA-Québec Global Health Standing Committee and MSS Diverging Minds are inviting you to a talk about how the neurodivergent community is coping with the COVID situation.

Speakers and organizations include:

-Dr. David Worling (psychologist, Director of the Westcoast Child Development Group and the Spectrum Works Consulting Group)

-Casey Vormer (also known as Remrov, autistic pencil artist and autism advocate)

-Natalie Miyake (nurse and caregiver)

-Allison Rolins (Coordinator for WIAIH, Active-Action, Amuse-Action, Angelman Respite Centre).

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On February 9th, members of our committee inaugurated our CEGEP presentations about neurodiversity. A warm thank you goes to Marionopolis Students for having us and for being such a recaptive audience!

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